These english synonyms and antonyms for words used in writing has been arranged by categories. For each word (true, accurate, correct, real, wrong, fake, defective, mistaken, ...) you will find about 10 to 40 synonyms. Antonyms are included in the sense, that the words consists mostly of pairs which have the opposite meaning.
Synonyms for True :: Right
true | accurate | actual | apt | correct |
exact | factual | fair | faithful | founded |
genuine | good | honest | just | lawful |
legal | loyal | precise | proper | real |
reliable | responsible | right | righteous | sincere |
staunch | steadfast | steady | trusty | trustworthy |
undoubted | upright | valid | warranted |
Synonyms for False :: Wrong
wrong | afield | amiss | astray | awry |
baseless | blemished | contrary to... | counterfeit | deceptive |
defective | deviating from... | disloyal | erroneous | faithless |
fake | fallacious | false | faulty | feign |
fraudulent | groundless | idle | irregular | misleading |
mistaken | perfidious | questionable | recreant | spurious |
traitorous | treacherous |