English LanguageStart - Smart Words

Words and Synonyms for 100 different ...

General words for feelings and emotions:

mood, emotion, feelings, passion, frame of mind, heart, sensation, reaction, temper, inner self, sense (of sth.), sentiment, perception, impression, sentience, sensibility, affection, experience, endurance, suffering, pleasure


This collection of the most used synonyms would not be complete, without listing some frequently employed words for emotions.

These english synonyms for words used in writing has been arranged by categories. It contains a few 100 synonyms for different words; however, the intention is not to replace a thesaurus. For the selection of the words (for example: excited, cheerful, glad, hilarious, funny, delightful, pleased, ...) is centered mainly around feelings and emotions.

While browsing through this list of common synonyms for feelings (mostly adjectives) at one full swoop you will pick up many useful words with the same or a related meaning. The lists contain words with a positive meaning as well as synonyms with a more negative connotation.


Download all the synonyms for feelings of this category related to the terms of Positive Feelings as a PDF file (300KB) and also for the terms of Negative Feelings as a PDF file (300KB).