This collection of the so called "four-letter words" (or dirty words = Schinpfwörter auf Deutsch), is analogous to the „License to kill“ provided to the famous James Bond by his boss from the MI5. Use them with care, or rather not. However, to understand their meaning can be helpful, regardless whether you are a tourist, on a short business trip or a student of the German / English language.
English | German |
scheißen | to shit; to poo (pooh); |
scheißen gehen | go for a bog / crap |
Tunte / Schwuchtel | Drag queen; fag |
Dorfschlampe | (Village) bitch, slut, trollop |
Dorftrotel | village idiot, local idiot |
Spanner | Peeping Tom; peeper; voyeur |
Das ist (mir) scheißegal! | I don't give a damn! |
der Dreck, der Schmutz, die Verschmutzung, der Schund (unsittliches Zeug) | dirt |
Edelnutte {f} | high-class tart |
flammende, bombastische Rede {f}, Moralpredigt, Tirade | harangue |
Kauderwelsch, Geschwafel | to gibber, to waffle, gibberish, jargon, lingo [coll.], bafflegab [coll.], rigmarole, gobbledygook [coll.], double Dutch [coll.] |
Quatsch, Unsinn | jabberwocky, rubbish, rot, flubdub, hogwash, tosh, balderdash, malarkey, nonsense, baloney |
pfui | ugh |
Tunte, Schwuchtel | faggot, queer, poof |
Verpiss dich! | Fuck off!, Piss off!, Sod off! , Bugger off! |